Physician Assistant

Craig L Chase

Accepts Medicare (pay less out of pocket)

Group Affiliations


18710 Amar Rd,

Suite A,

Walnut 91789-4571, CA

+2 more locations


(626) 522-6553

About Craig L Chase

Craig Chase is a Physician Assistant based in Walnut, CA. He graduated from Other in 1992 and specializes in providing Physician Assistant services. He accepts Medicare, which can help patients pay less out of pocket for their healthcare services. However, he does not offer telehealth services. His practice is located at 18710 Amar Rd, Walnut, CA 91789-4571, and can be reached at (626) 522-6553.



Physician Assistant



Medical School


Graduation Year


Offers Telehealth Services


Accepts Medicare Assignment


Facility / Group Affiliations

Facility Type


Group Name

Member Count

Accepts Medicare Assignment


Clinician Utilization Performance Scores

Ultrasound scan of veins of one arm or leg or limited including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 124

Beneficiary Count: 60

Infusion into a vein for therapy, prevention, or diagnosis up to 1 hour

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 716

Beneficiary Count: 122

Injection of different drug or substance into a vein for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 2785

Beneficiary Count: 114

Injections of tendon sheath, ligament, or muscle membrane

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 12

Beneficiary Count: 11

Aspiration and/or injection of large joint or joint capsule

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 1814

Beneficiary Count: 251

Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 133

Beneficiary Count: 82

X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 76

Beneficiary Count: 46

X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 32

Beneficiary Count: 26

Ultrasonic guidance imaging supervision and interpretation for insertion of needle

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 205

Beneficiary Count: 97

Ultrasound scan of veins of both arms or legs including assessment of compression and functional maneuvers

Practice State: CA

Line Service Count: 86

Beneficiary Count: 83


18710 Amar Rd
Suite A
Walnut, CA 91789 -4571
Phone: (626) 522-6553

Get Directions

300 E Yorba Linda Blvd
Suite B
Placentia, CA 92870 -2910
Phone: (626) 522-6553

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